Miyerkules, Nobyembre 21, 2012

HW3: Sample Survey Cover Letter

November 22 2012

Dear Sir/Madam

I am an undergraduate student under the direction of professor Dustin Celestino in the English Resource Center Department at Asia Pacific College. I am conducting a research study entitled Effects of the drinkable form of alcohol to social relationship. The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of alcohol to a person’s social relationship.

Your participation will involve answering survey questions that will be provided and should only take about five to ten minutes. Your involvement in the study is voluntary, and you may choose not to participate or to stop at any time. The results of the research study may be published, but your name will not be used. Your identity will not be associated with your responses in any published format.

The findings from this project will provide information on other researchers with no cost to you other than the time it takes for the survey. 
If you have any questions about this research project, please feel free to call me at 09262866132 or send an e-mail to gsgamboa@apc.edu.ph. Questions about your rights as a research participant or concerns about the project should be directed to the English Resource Center Department of Asia Pacific College.

By returning this questionnaire in the envelope provided, you will be agreeing to participate in the above described project.

Thanks for your consideration!


Gabriel Joseph S. Gamboa
BSBA-BM Student, Asia Pacific College

Linggo, Nobyembre 11, 2012

HW2: Ideal Friend

Last night while I was riding a bus on my way home, I saw Baron Geisler in the news. He got involved in another alarming scandal. The complainant said that Baron, under the influence of alcohol, suddenly entered their store and grabbed something to eat without even paying for it. The store owner tried to stop him but Baron got mad, grabbed a chair and then smashed it to the wall. The authorities eventually came and imprisoned him that very night. After staying inside the cell for about fourteen hours, Baron was then released the following day..

I wonder what the complainants felt after the incident. Are they personally mad at Baron, knowing that he already got involved in several issues before or are they trying to understand him just because he was under the influence of alcohol that time? Could it still be possible for them to forgive Baron for his misbehavior?

While surfing the net, I came across an article about an ideal friend entitled: How to become an ideal friend. written by TheHolidaySpot. It was stated there that "Its not easy becoming a friend or making one because a friend is not a state of mind. Its real and its in your face. A friend is someone who makes your life worth its while a little more than yesterday."

The author included seven ways to help you become an ideal friend

-Honesty is the best policy
-Give more than you take
-Be supportive
-Keep the faith
-Express yourself clearly
-Have fun

I noticed that most of the steps stated were basic values that we learn from our parents. Becoming a good friend cannot be learned in an instance but a person can be shaped to be one. Our environment can dictate the type of person that we will be. It only means that you do not have to exert extra effort just to be a good friend to others. These are just simple things that we should do to be accepted as a good friend.

HW1: Survey Questions

The first part of my research paper is already done. I have already given a brief background of alcohol and how our body responds to it. I have also enumerated the different effects of alcohol abuse. Now that I already know the physical effects of alcohol, I would like to know how other people thinks about a drunk person.

I would like to know how ordinary people see an alcoholic person, I would also like to know their different reactions towards a drunk person. Since I am trying to know what are the socially accepted behavior and how it is being affected by the influence of alcohol, other people's opinion will give me more ideas with regards to my topic.  

People around me could help giving me the answer. I will be conducting a survey to      give me a deeper look of my topic and to help me understand more about the effects of alcohol to personal relationships. Using the answers from the respondents, I will be able to have knowledge of what other people thinks of the effects of alcohol in a person's behavior. That way it would be easier for me to write my research paper. 

My survey questions could be easily answered by anyone for about three to five minutes. Choices will be included in some of my questions so it could be answered easily while the other questions will need the respondent’s personal opinion. I will be asking my family, relatives, friends, classmates and probably some of my schoolmates. My survey will be printed in a sheet of paper which I will be giving to whom I will be conducting a survey. I may also use the help of the internet and conduct surveys in social networking sites such as facebook.  

This survey would help me understand other people's point of view with regards to the effect of alcohol to personal relationship. I think people who does not drink would be likely to say that drinkers are less acceptable in the society while in the other hand, people who drinks will say that it is fine to drink as long as you can control yourself. Although there are some articles and studies which could help me do my research paper, a firsthand survey is still better. Hopefully I will be able to write a better research paper since I will be using not only my personal opinions but also other people's opinions.