Linggo, Disyembre 2, 2012

HW5: Survey Questions

1. Do you drink alcohol regularly?

2. At what age did you started drinking?
__10 to 13yrsold
__13 to 15yrsold
__15 to 18yrsold
__18 to 20yrsold
__21 and above

3. What is your reason for drinking? (you can choose more than one)
__To forget problems
__To relax
__I like the taste

4. What type of alcohol do you usually drink?

5. How much quantity do you usually drink?
__1 cup
__2 cups
__3 cups
__4 cups
__5 cups and above

6. Who influenced you to drink?

7. How does drinking of alcohol affect you?
__I feel dizzy
__I feel more aggressive
__I can’t remember a think
__I feel relax

8. What do think about people who drink alcohol?

9. Who do think is more accepted by the society?

10. Why?

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